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  • 2 Jan 2024 10:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 12 Dec 2023 10:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are currently recruiting for our 2024 board! In the coming weeks, we will be publishing information about available board positions. Today, we’ll be talking about the open President position and hearing from our current President, Adara Citron.


    Description: Lead the Board meetings. Act as ambassador to both the members of the club and members of the community. Supports other Board members as needed. Usually 5 hours per month.

    Adara’s Thoughts: Being President for the last year has been such an honor. It's been a joy to make improvements to the organization and structure of the Club, and watch membership grow as a result of increased community engagement. Honestly, I was intimidated when I initially took the reins. I was nervous about the workload and time commitment, but was pleasantly surprised with how managable it's been to fit into my full-time work schedule and being a mom to two young kids. Being supported by a strong Board has made my job so much easier; my role is to create an environment where they can shine. The continuing 2024 Board is also equally strong, and I know that the next President will continue to be supported. This role is what you make of it; it can be as laid back or involved as you have time for. In addition to the complementary SMPC membership, a huge perk is getting to meet so many Club members. I love growing this community and feeling connected to others no matter where we are in San Mateo and surrounding areas.

  • 12 Dec 2023 10:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Happy almost-2024! It’s hard to believe that 2023 is almost over. With the new year comes a call for new board members for the San Mateo Parents Club. The board works collaboratively to create community and a safe space for our families in a world where things just seem to get crazier every day. 

    The Board is a great stepping stone into learning more about our local community and achieving a shared vision of parents supporting parents. See the full list of open Board Positions below. No experience is necessary, and outgoing/previous Board Members are available to mentor and support new members throughout the process. Please reach out to if you are interested!

    • President 

    • Vice President

    • Blog Partner

    • Preschool Fair Coordinator (Laura will be available for mentorship) 

    • Speaker & Social Series

    • Community Service

    • Advertising 

    To help you better understand the various roles, look out for upcoming blurbs on the blog for the various available board positions. Also, here are the descriptions for each role and the time commitment expected from each role. If you’re considering joining the board, keep an eye out for an upcoming event where you can meet current board members and learn more about open positions!

  • 12 Dec 2023 9:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Divorce is a tough journey for everyone, but it can be particularly vexing for stay-at-home moms. Often, stay-at-home parents have given up their careers to care for their children and allow their spouses to continue a career path. Now, they face the challenge of rebuilding their lives and providing for themselves and their children. 

    The O'Mara Law Group offers comprehensive assistance for mothers facing divorce. The guide covers various aspects, including financial planning, custody arrangements, legal rights, emotional support, and rebuilding after divorce. It emphasizes the unique challenges faced by stay-at-home moms who have sacrificed their careers for their families. The key points include: 

    1. Financial Preparation for Divorce:

    • Gather necessary paperwork for financial assessment.
    • Understand assets, debts, and liabilities.
    • Work with a legal team to ensure accurate financial disclosure.

    2. Managing Finances After Divorce:

    • Create a budget and adjust to single-income living.
    • Build an emergency fund for unexpected expenses.
    • Review and adjust insurance coverage.
    • Understand child support and alimony laws before signing any documents.

    3. Legal Rights:

    • Stay-at-home moms have rights in child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division.
    • Legal representation is crucial to protecting these rights during divorce proceedings.

    4. Child Custody and Parenting Agreements:

    • Educate yourself on local laws and prioritize the child's best interests.
    • Collaborate on a parenting agreement and consider mediation for disputes.

    5. When to Hire a Divorce Lawyer:

    • Seek legal help if the other spouse fails to comply with court orders.
    • A knowledgeable women's divorce attorney can protect parental rights.

    6. Support for Children:

    • Create a safe space for children to express feelings.
    • Maintain consistency in routines.
    • Co-parent effectively to minimize adverse effects.

    7. Emotional Support:

    • Practice self-care through activities like exercise and meditation.
    • Seek support from friends, family, or support groups.
    • Consider professional counseling or therapy to cope with emotional challenges.

    8. Rebuilding After Divorce:

    • Rebuild credit and assess housing costs.
    • Explore career options and update skills.
    • Rediscover interests and set new goals for personal fulfillment.

    After a divorce, rebuilding can feel like a long and difficult process. So many aspects of your life may need to be reevaluated and restructured. Despite the challenges, every step you take towards rebuilding is a step towards a brighter future for yourself and your children.

    We hope this guide encourages stay-at-home moms to view divorce as an opportunity for a fresh start, providing practical tips to navigate the legal, financial, and emotional aspects of this challenging process.

    You can see the full guide here:

  • 29 Nov 2023 11:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 20 Nov 2023 8:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The results are in. Children who participate in quality preschool programs do better academically, professionally, and personally.  A high-quality preschool program focuses on early childhood learning and development while providing childcare for working parents.  It exposes children to academic concepts as well as critical social and emotional skills. Young children benefit from opportunities to interact with peers and learning to trust caregivers separate from family members.  To find the right environment for your child and family, begin with these initial questions:

    • WHERE? Do I want my child in a home or school setting, full- or part-time?  Home settings can be cozy, but caregiver credentials vary. The smaller group size and mixed aged can be more comforting for slow to warm or very young children.  Center-based programs offer more social variety and a larger environment to explore. Cost will vary depending on the type of program and number of hours of care. There are also part-time options for parents who don’t need full-time care. Outdoor/Nature focused, and Parent Participation programs are great ways to let your children explore new things and meet new people while you also make connections to other parents.
    • WHEN? Are both parents returning to work?  Is the at-home parent ready for time alone?  Is the child ready for TK or Kindergarten?  Some families need care soon after a baby is born, while others may only need socialization experience before beginning formal elementary school. Many parents are working remotely from home at least some of the time, but still need someone to give their young children the care and stimulation they deserve and need.   Children should have at least one year—but preferably two years—of a quality group experience before starting kindergarten.
    •  WHO? Think about your child.  Will your active child be restless in a program with limited outdoor time?  Are children encouraged to sample a variety of indoor and outdoor activities?  How do children learn conflict resolution skills and develop resiliency?  Is your sensitive child easily overwhelmed in a large group?  Also think about yourself.  Does the school have a community that you can become part of?  Will you feel supported by teachers, administrators, and other parents? Are there opportunities for you to be involved in ways that work with your time constraints and interests?

    Now that you’ve thought about the basic questions, let’s find out what type of preschool/child care best fits your child’s temperament and learning style.  Here are some popular teaching philosophies to consider when choosing an early learning program:

    Developmental: A developmentally appropriate, play-based program supports learning in all five areas of development, including gross-motor and fine-motor skills, language and cognitive development, and social and emotional learning.  Classrooms are teacher-directed or child-centered, depending on the school orientation.  Includes free play time, as well as more structured circle times or group activities.

    Montessori (Maria Montessori, 1870-1952): Classrooms are structured, with children moving from activity to activity at their own pace.  Many Montessori programs incorporate three principles: observation of the child, personal liberty, and preparation of the environment. Special materials emphasize the use of all the senses.  Children are self-directed and encouraged to work independently, often in multi-age classrooms. 

    Parent Cooperative: Parent participation is required, either in the classroom, at home, or by serving on a parent board that operates the school.  The basic philosophy is that children and parents go to school together with guidance from a qualified teacher.  The focus is on child development.  There is often a parent education component either during the day or in evening meetings.  

    Reggio Emilia (Loris Malaguzzi, 1920-1994): Evolved from the parent cooperative movement, these programs involve the community in the world of the child.  Emphasis is on relationships with peers and adults, creative thinking skills, and project work. Each project lasts from a few weeks to more than a month.  Children’s progress is documented through posters or portfolios that capture a child’s learning process. The curriculum emerges from the children’s interests. 

    Language Immersion: Children are taught in a foreign language.  The classrooms and teachers may follow any of these teaching philosophies. Many language immersion programs adopt the Montessori philosophy.

    Waldorf (Rudolf Steiner, 1861-1925): Develops a child’s intellectual powers in harmony with his or her nature.  Waldorf schools incorporate imaginative play, a multi-sensorial approach, and stress “learning by doing.” Programs may include a lot of creative activity and natural materials in the classroom.  Teachers receive specialized training, lead many group activities, and often remain with the same set of children for several years. 

    Religious: Usually affiliated with a church, synagogue, or other religious organization, these programs may incorporate a lot, a little, or no religious training and may follow any of these teaching philosophies.

    University (or lab) Schools:  These programs are vehicles for teacher training and ongoing child development research.  The staff is usually required to have a higher learning degree, and there may be several student-researchers in the classroom at any one time.  Children may benefit from the latest research in the child development field and are expected to be active participants in student research studies.

    Academic: Academic programs stress preparation for kindergarten and elementary school, with early reading or formal reading readiness activities, an introduction to paper-and-pencil mathematics, and a focus on achievement.  The preschool day is structured, often with separate times for “work” and “play.”

    Outdoor/Nature Programs:  These programs are usually oriented toward spending most or all of the time outside exploring nature.  Most of these programs involve daily field trips to different locations at which the children explore the nature of the location with the guidance of a teacher who plans activities that apply to the place.  Some of the programs include parents; some do not.

    Once you’ve found an early learning environment that supports your child and family needs, be sure to communicate your enthusiasm for your child’s first school experience.  For many children, this is the beginning of a new, special relationship with another trusted adult. Be supportive, confident, and patient as your child learns to navigate the world outside the home. Communicate openly and often with your child’s teacher to help him/her be in the best position to meet your child’s needs. Become friendly with the teachers, caregivers, and parents, and always focus on your child’s strengths. Your child will benefit from the gift of an early start.

    Stephanie Barry Agnew is the Assistant Director of Parents Place, in The Center for Children and Youth.  She works with parents in groups and individually to help them through a wide variety of parenting issues, including discipline and school choices. She can be reached at 650-931-1841 or

    Learn more about all the Parents Place programs at

    To book an individual consultation about school choice or any other parenting question you may have, please email:

  • 1 Nov 2023 11:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 23 Oct 2023 9:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It’s finally October - fall is in the air and Halloween decorations are going up. As you walk around, you may see teal pumpkins in front yards and wonder, is this merely a quirky design choice? They’re actually part of a national campaign that raises awareness about food allergies, and provides a safe and inclusive way for kids with food allergies to enjoy Halloween.

    The CDC estimates that 8% of all children across the United States (about one in 13) face food allergies. The most serious reactions are commonly attributed to at least one of eight different allergens: milk, egg, shellfish, fish, wheat, soy, peanuts, and tree nuts. Allergic reactions don’t always look the same, but 40% of children who have food allergies end up in the emergency room at some point because of allergic reactions.

    The Teal Pumpkin Project was started by Becky Basalone in 2012. She had two children with allergies and food intolerances, and wanted a way for them to safely enjoy Halloween. Instead of offering candies, which may contain allergens like peanut, homes with teal pumpkins will offer non-food items. They can range from stickers, to bubbles, to party favor toys. 

    If you are interested in participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project, pumpkins can be painted teal or purchased from local retailers. Here are some ideas for non-food treats to give out to trick-or-treaters:

    • LED lights
    • Glow sticks
    • Sensory toys (fidget spinners or bubble pop toys)
    • Glow in the dark critters
    • Wind-up toys
    • Toy jewelry
    • Whistles
    • Stickers
    • Bubbles 
    • Mini-slinkies 
    • Mini bouncy balls

    If you would still like to give out a sweet treat to the neighborhood kids, allergy-friendly options include fruit gummies, sun butter cups, fruit lollipops, or jelly beans. Common allergens to look out for include: milk, egg, soy, peanut, tree nuts, wheat, and gluten.

    If you would like to look up locations participating in the Team Pumpkin Project or add your own location as a participant, you can check out a map here

  • 29 Sep 2023 9:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 26 Sep 2023 9:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Playing a musical instrument has been shown to have lifelong benefits. It strengthens executive function, teaches discipline and perseverance, and develops creativity. However, many of us have less than happy memories of practicing a musical instrument when we would rather be doing something else. How can we break the cycle with our own kids? We talk to Candice Choi, the Director at Musicians in the Making to learn more.

    What are some of the benefits of playing a musical instrument?

    There are many benefits of playing a musical instrument! Learning to play an instrument exercises all parts of the brain. Students learn to develop physical coordination while exercising their creative, emotional, and mathematical abilities all at the same time. Playing a musical instrument teaches the life skills that come along with learning something new. Most importantly, playing a musical instrument develops strong aural skills and the appreciation of creating beauty out of thin air!  

    I didn’t have the best experience with playing music as a kid. My parents made me play piano and I hated it. How can I avoid this with my own kid? 

    I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t have the best experience with playing music as a kid! We certainly can prevent this from happening with your child by continuing to engage and let the child lead with their own curiosity and creativity. You can encourage musical play at home by singing songs and dancing. You can make music in the kitchen with pots and pans!  Play music around the house and show your child examples of other children playing the piano too! Celebrate them when they make strides in their musical development, no matter how big or small. Learning an instrument is not easy and children need as many cheerleaders as possible! 

    When is a good time to start music lessons? What instrument is the best for a little kid to start off with? 

    Age 4 or 5 is a great time to begin official lessons. The best instrument to start out on is piano. This is because the piano is a musical instrument that helps to develop a broad foundation for future musical studies. If students decide they want to learn other instruments when they get older, having knowledge of the piano gives them an advantage.

    My kid is a little too young to start music lessons. How can I foster an appreciation of music at a younger age? 

    I always encourage parents to expose their child to all things musical! While they are too young to start lessons, you can still listen to a variety of music at home, attend family-friendly concerts, and dance and sing with your child! Once they are old enough to start formal lessons, all of their musical experiences will contribute to the success in their learning. 

    How long is an adequate trial of music lessons? I think my kid can really enjoy playing an instrument if they kept at it for longer. At the same time, I don’t want to drag things out if it’s not going to work out. 

    This is a great question! It really depends on the child. It is important to keep the student engaged so that they enjoy playing an instrument. When a student encounters a challenging time in their learning experience, I believe it is the teacher and parents’ job to help them through it. If one instrument is not suited for them, it is likely that a different instrument might be! 

    My kid has started lessons, but isn’t really interested. How can I get them to be more interested? 

    I would encourage them to find other friends who play music as well! Perform in a casual setting for one another at a playdate. Make music a part of their social life! 


    Musicians in the Making is a music school based out of the San Francisco Peninsula that serves students of all ages. Our unique approach allows our school to learn and collaborate with students and teachers both locally and around the world. Together as a community, we believe in creating harmony one note at a time!

    Join Musicians in the Making for their Welcome Back Picnic on Sunday, October 1st from 1:00-3:00 PM for musical performances, food, and games! Location: Gellert Park, 50 Wembley Dr, Daly City, CA 94015

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