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  • 18 Jul 2023 3:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    With many wonderful parks and playgrounds in San Mateo County, it can be hard to decide where to go. Should you go to a tried and true park with playgrounds the kids already love? Or should you check out a new park that could become their new favorite? The only thing better than the parks in our area is our weather, which allows for visits virtually any time of the year!

    Some considerations to keep in mind when choosing a playground:

    • Separation between age groups: Playgrounds can be exciting or scary for smaller kids. Separate areas for older and younger kids can create a safer and more comfortable setting for younger kids to explore.

    • Gates: Gated playgrounds provide parents with peace of mind when supervising kids, especially if there’s more than one child to keep an eye on. 

    • Tan bark versus rubber surfaces: Your mileage may vary with this one. Tan bark can be fun for kids to play with (or throw, grrr), but has a tendency to get stuck in clothes and hair. Rubber surfaces are softer and ideal for new walkers, but can get hot on warm days.

    • Sand: Many playgrounds have sand pits for imaginative play. It’s a great place for kids to socialize and learn how to share, as long as you’re okay with brushing sand out of clothes, shoes, hair…

    • Shade: With the longer days and warmer temperatures, shade can be very important for keeping your kids (and yourselves!) comfortable during any playground outing.

    • Water: We’ve all been in a situation where we’ve forgotten to bring a snack or a water bottle. Easily accessible water fountains will ensure everyone stays well hydrated.

    • Facilities: Bathrooms are essential, and picnic areas are handy for outdoor meals and snacks. Some parks may have additional facilities.

    With that in mind, here’s a short, not all-inclusive, list of parks in San Mateo County that are popular with parents and kids. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite!

    Beresford Park

    2720 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo

    A park that has a lot to offer for its size. It has a large playground (not gated, tan bark) with separate play structures for older and younger children. There are some shade structures throughout the play area, but it can still get very warm on sunny days. Due to the large number of picnic areas around the playgrounds and the expansive grassy areas, it’s very popular for birthday parties. For older kids, there’s also a small skate park. It is the home to San Mateo’s only community garden as well as the San Mateo Garden Center.

    Burton Park

    900 Chestnut Street, San Carlos

    The only playground on this list where the toddler playground is separately gated from the rest of the park. The playground for the bigger kids is not gated. Both play areas have sand pits to play in. The play surfaces are rubber and concrete and there is some shade from surrounding trees. There are picnic areas scattered throughout the park, and there are a few picnic tables located within the gated toddler playground, perfect for snack time. There are grassy areas adjacent to the playgrounds for the little one who needs to work off the wiggles.

    Central Park

    50 East 5th Avenue, San Mateo

    There’s lots that this park has to offer, including a few playgrounds (not gated, tan bark/sand). Playgrounds are shady due to nearby trees, but it can still get warm on hot days. The park has many picnic areas and is very popular on weekends. Besides playgrounds, Central Park has many community events throughout the year. The Japanese Garden is a peaceful sanctuary with public koi feedings twice a day during the Spring and Summer. There used to be a popular Mini Train, but it has recently gone into retirement.

    Laurelwood Park

    3471 Glendora Drive, San Mateo

    This park has many walking paths and trails that lead into Sugarloaf Mountain. There is a gated playground area with play structures for older and younger children. Both play structures have sand pits, and there is no separation between the two play structures. There are many picnic areas with expansive lawns for running around. Pro tip: This is an extremely big park adjacent to Sugarloaf Mountain. The closest parking to the playgrounds can be found on Shasta Drive. There is a small parking lot as well as parking in the adjacent neighborhood.

    Magical Bridge Playgrounds

    CuriOdyssey, San Mateo

    Mitchell Park, Palo Alto

    Red Morton Park, Redwood City

    The Magical Bridge Foundation designs and builds playgrounds all around the world that are socially inclusive and physically accessible. There are multiple Magical Bridge playgrounds in the Bay Area, and a few are linked above. There is a separate play area for toddlers, but it is not gated off from the larger playground. Play surfaces are rubber, Astroturf, and tan bark (some loose, some bound). Shade varies depending on playground location. The Palo Alto playground is well shaded, while the Redwood City playground has less shade and can get warm on a hot day (but there are often ice cream trucks nearby!). The Redwood City location has a water feature for kids to play in, while the San Mateo location is at CuriOdyssey and is only open during museum hours.

    Paddock Park

    2900 Baze Road, San Mateo

    Located in the Bay Meadows neighborhood, it is very popular with families who live in the area. There’s a gated playground with play structures for older and younger children, with no gate separation between the play structures. The surface is rubberized, but there is no shade, so it can get warm on sunny days. There is a sandpit that sees a lot of action from toy trucks and plastic shovels on the weekends. There are also some picnic tables, one of which is right next to the playground.

  • 30 Jun 2023 10:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 27 Jun 2023 12:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It’s that time of year again: school’s out, sun’s out, and the kids are ready for some outdoor fun! Calendars are filling up with play dates, birthday parties, and other events. On top of making sure our kids are having fun, we want to make sure they are staying safe. Read on for some summer safety tips from Shyam Sivasankar, MD, a Pediatric Emergency doctor.

    What are common reasons for kids to visit the Emergency Department in the summertime?

    Most of the time it is going to be heat or injury related. To prevent heat-related illnesses: don't leave your kid in the car, stay hydrated, apply and reapply sunscreen (proper sun protection is a must!), and remember to take breaks in the shade or in air-conditioning. 

    It’s important to always wear a helmet when on a bike or scooter, even if it is a "short" ride. We see lots of cuts, scrapes, bruises, broken bones, and head injuries. People often underestimate the strength of our skulls - although head injuries may seem intense, I would talk to your on-call pediatrician or nurse advice line before coming to the ED for head injuries. 

    Sometimes it will be water-related (i.e. swimming or lake-related injury) - if there is any concern for drowning or near drowning, you need to call 911. If there is some coughing or difficulty breathing that persists beyond the potential swallowed water, come to the ED for an evaluation. 

    What types of issues should I bring my kid into the Emergency Department for, versus Urgent Care or getting a rapid appointment with my pediatrician?

    Head injuries with vomiting need to come to the ED.

    Small cuts and bruises can be seen in urgent care. Falls can usually be seen at urgent care. 

    Larger cuts or lacerations, swelling of joints, or obvious deformities should go to the ED. Some urgent care centers have x-ray machines, but some will end up still being sent to the ED, and sometimes that's hard to predict. 

    What’s the most important thing parents can do to keep kids safe at the pool?

    Especially when water is involved, an adult must be constantly supervising and paying attention. As a general rule, assign one adult to be a photographer and everyone else should put their phones away or indoors to avoid distractions. Drownings happen in an instant, so it is best to be vigilant. All parents should also consider taking a first aid/CPR class. 

    If I’m going on a hike with my kids, what would be some good things to bring in a first aid kit?

    I love this question - it's a good one. I have bandaids, hydrocortisone, triple antibiotic cream, kid-safe insect repellent, sunscreen, and water. 


    Shyam Sivasankar is a Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) physician who splits his time between Palo Alto, California and Austin, Texas. He attended medical school at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, followed by residency at Stanford University. Since completing his fellowship at Dell Children’s Medical Center, he practices as an EM physician at Stanford Healthcare and St. David’s Medical Center. 

    The San Mateo Parents Club has a variety of fun events throughout the summer. Check out our Events page, and RSVP to an event for some summer fun!

  • 13 Jun 2023 3:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Many have gone through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to conceive a child. For those who have experienced it, infertility can be difficult and emotionally taxing. But when it is successful, the struggle becomes worthwhile as it brings a precious baby into our lives. As parents, we understand the love and happiness our children bring to our lives. Have you ever considered that you could extend that gift to others through the incredible process of embryo donation? 

    What is Embryo Donation?

    Embryo donation is a beautiful way for those who have undergone IVF and have remaining embryos to offer them to individuals or couples experiencing infertility. These embryos, often referred to as "snowflake babies," are generously gifted to recipients who are unable to conceive using their own eggs or sperm.

    The Options: Closed, Semi-Open, and Open Embryo Donation

    Embryo donation offers different options in terms of the level of contact and communication between donors and recipients: closed, semi-open, and open embryo donation.

    1. Closed Embryo Donation: In a closed donation, the identities of both the donors and recipients remain confidential. No direct contact is established between the two parties. The donor couple usually provides limited medical and genetic information to ensure the well-being of the potential child. This option is suitable for those who prefer anonymity and a clear separation between the parties involved.

    2. Semi-Open Embryo Donation: Semi-open donation allows for some level of communication and information sharing between the donors and recipients while maintaining privacy. The degree of openness is agreed upon by both parties, typically involving the exchange of medical and genetic information. Communication might occur through a mediator or agency, ensuring that personal details remain protected. This option allows for some connection and the possibility of updates, while still respecting the desire for privacy.

    3. Open Embryo Donation: Open donation involves a higher level of contact and ongoing relationship between the donors and recipients. It allows for direct communication, potential meetings, and sharing experiences throughout the pregnancy and beyond. Open donation often includes the exchange of identifying information and allows both families to develop a more personal connection. This option is beneficial for those who desire a deeper connection and the potential for an extended relationship between the donor and recipient families.

    The Story From An Embryo Donor:

    We had our second child through IVF, and with two children, our family is complete. But we had one remaining embryo unused, and we kept it frozen with our fertility coverage for 3 years. We knew our family was complete with 2 children and a dog, but we were also uncomfortable with the idea of destroying the embryo. We thought about how at one point, we had 2 embryos to select from, and our daughter was chosen to be transferred by the clinic (because we didn’t want to make that decision). Our sweet little girl was once an embryo—and the idea that she may have been the one to not be selected by our clinic and have been destroyed ––that didn’t sit well with us. And donating the embryo to science is also destroying it. So when our embryo storage benefits expired, we made the decision to explore embryo donation. 

    I contacted our fertility clinic and they recommended some matching services. We ultimately went with the National Registry for Adoption (NRFA) at because it’s free, easy, and not affiliated with any religion. I made a profile as a donor, included pictures of our family and described ourselves and what we are looking for in a recipient family and in an embryo adoption. I thought I wanted a semi-open adoption, but this quickly changed to wanting an open adoption as we went through the process. We made a profile last April. We wanted a happy and loving family, above all else. But then we also realized that we did have some additional requirements. We didn’t care about religion or political affiliation, but soon realized that there were characteristics about a potential family that we cared about that might be associated with those things: we were looking for a family that is pro-science (because having a healthy child who gets all recommended childhood vaccines is important to us); we wanted this child to grow up in a home without guns around; and for the family to be accepting if the child grows up to be LGBT, as a few examples. Soon, we had a few families message us in our inbox. I spoke with three of them. One was a no-go. The other two seemed great. I didn’t want to belabor this process and drag it out. These two families met my requirements: they were happy and loving; they were accepting of all types of people and would keep this child healthy and safe. No need to keep looking. So I scheduled Zoom calls with both families with my husband. My husband and I both agreed on our top choice, and we notified them right away. I have to say—the joy and tears from that couple when we told them that we chose them will always be with me. It doesn’t get better than that. We were making their dreams come true. We also realized that we like them and want to keep them in our lives, and we want an open embryo adoption. We want to be along for the ride every step of the way. I kept reading blogs from other embryo donation families about how their families are very close, they vacation together, they keep in touch, and their biologically-related children are in each other's lives. We wanted that. This family wanted that, too. This was still April 2022, and we just made our profile on NRFA just weeks before. The family wanted to move quickly and were targeting a transfer date of August 2022. They live far away, and they wanted to fly out to meet us and do the transfer here at our clinic. There were some steps we had to do to make this happen quickly. We needed a contract. Luckily, NFRA has a low-cost legal service, and we worked with them to get one drawn up fast. My husband and I needed to get a special physical exam at our clinic. And our clinic required counseling to make sure that we would be emotionally ok with this process. Check, check, check. We got all that done in a matter of weeks. As donors, there is no cost to us, and the recipients picked up all of these costs. 

    The family flew out here last August and they were lovely. They had a young child already who was their “miracle baby” and they made it clear that they would not be able to make another child themselves. Nor did they want to try. They came to our home for dinner, our kids played, and we bonded. During their stay, they did the embryo transfer at our clinic. A few days later, we took the kids to Happy Hollow for some fun. Our kids bonded so well with their child. The mom felt nauseous. I knew she was pregnant. She looked like a newly-pregnant woman. She was glowing and nauseous. It was pretty obvious to me. A few days later, they confirmed with a positive pregnancy test. We were all thrilled. They flew back home, and the mom and I have been in touch, texting each other regularly. The poor woman–she had a rough pregnancy. She was on bedrest for weeks. She had awful morning sickness. She went through all the pain that many moms have to endure to have a child. We told close family and friends. They asked “Does it feel weird to have your biological child out there?” No. It didn’t. It really didn’t. I felt joy and pride. I felt so happy that we could help provide life for this child who would have otherwise been destroyed, and to make a family’s dreams come true. This mom was the one who was going through all the pregnancy pains. She was the one throwing up, she was the one who couldn't sleep at night; she was the one who was on bedrest. We told our kids and our families. Our younger child has no idea what we’re talking about, our older child understands. She was weirded out by it. We didn’t want to push it, but said we are here to talk or answer questions. My daughter warmed up to the idea over time. 

    Months passed by and one early morning I got a text that the baby was born. She sent a photo. I cried. I got all my emotions out. Got that over with. The child looks like my older child as a newborn. That is a strange feeling. But I got my feelings out, I was done with that. I shared the photos with my family. My older child agreed that this baby looks like her, and said the baby is cute. My daughter didn’t seem weirded out by it anymore. That was a relief. I have been in constant touch with the family. We see pictures, answer questions about health and how our children were as babies. People ask if I feel weird, if I feel like our child is “out there.” I do not. I don’t feel weird at all. I see in their photos how much they love their baby, how their older child is such a great older sibling. How this baby is so wanted and surrounded by love. How this family flew thousands of miles to get their baby to complete their family. It's his mother who is breastfeeding him; his parents who are up all night with their newborn; his parents who are taking care of him and love him; his older sibling who is enjoying welcoming a little brother to their family. This family is going through the exhausting newborn motions while I sit comfortably, well-rested, thousands of miles away getting text updates, enjoying life with my kids and husband. This is THEIR child. We are lucky to have played a role in bringing him to his parents. I remind myself: there is no limit to the amount of people who can love this child. Our journey has just begun. I am pleased with the close relationship I have developed with the recipient mom. I look forward to getting our families together, building our bond as a unique extended family; big family vacations and moments, and having our kids develop their special relationship with their biological brother. 

    The Story From An Embryo Recipient:

    The beginning of our story probably will sound familiar to many. We decided that we were ready to expand our family and started trying the old fashioned way. When that didn't work, we went to the doctor for next steps and went through years of increasingly expensive and invasive medical treatments. When we finally bit the bullet and did IVF, we figured that despite the pain and expense, at least it would work. Until it didn't. After several IVF rounds across multiple clinics, no one could explain why our embryos weren't surviving to a point where they could be transferred. We were devastated and started looking into options: egg/sperm donation, domestic infant adoption, foster care adoption, international adoption, and something that we hadn't heard of before - embryo donation/adoption. Our doctor recommended that we try some A/B testing with my eggs and my husband's sperm vs donor sperm to figure out whose gametes were causing the issue, but after doing a lot of soul searching and research, we decided to look into embryo adoption first.

    We knew that we wanted an open relationship with the donors so that our future child or children would have access to ongoing medical history updates and be able to have a relationship with their genetic relatives. We wanted donors who looked similar to us, had similar values, personalities and interests, and ideally who were donating a batch of embryos so we could have genetically related children. In our ideal world, our families would become good friends and do things like vacation together. We decided against the religiously affiliated (and often expensive) agencies. I signed up for a Facebook group where families interested in either side of embryo adoption can learn more and connect, but none of the available profiles seemed like a good fit for us. I decided to look through some public listings on a website called miracles waiting, and one of the first listings that I saw sounded like it was written by us, had our IVF journey been successful. I signed up for an account and sent an email. The donor mom and I exchanged several, increasingly long emails and we set up a video call so that both couples could "meet". They agreed on the spot to donate all of their remaining embryos to us, and we started the process of drawing up legal agreements, doing the counseling that the clinic required (and that I also highly recommend to anyone considering embryo adoption), and taking legal possession of the embryos. 

    A few months after that initial email, we flew out to meet the donors and their kids in person and transfer the first embryo. That little cluster of cells implanted, grew, and became the most amazing, curious, sweet, and silly kid that we are so grateful to be raising. Another embryo from the same cohort is due later this summer, and we can't wait to meet them! We have also become very close friends with the donors. We text and send photos and videos all of the time, celebrating parenting wins, bemoaning the inevitable challenges, and enjoying getting to know each other and our wonderful kids! Because of COVID and living far away from each other we didn't have as many in person visits as we would have preferred over the first few years, but the kids finally met last fall. It was so much fun getting to know the donors' kids better and seeing them all play together and bond. We're looking forward to seeing them again soon!

    Embryo donation is an amazing gift. It allowed us the opportunity to become parents and gave us a new extended family that we love dearly. We are eternally grateful to our donors for giving us the most amazing gift ever.

    To all the parents out there who have gone through IVF and have remaining embryos, consider the incredible gift of embryo donation. By donating your embryos, you can give the precious gift of life to another family and experience the joy of completing your own journey.

    For those struggling with infertility, embryo donation opens a door of hope and the chance to build the family you've always dreamed of. Embryo donation is a remarkable act of love, compassion, and generosity. It has the power to bring miracles into the lives of those who long for a child. 

    This article was kindly written and submitted by a San Mateo Parents Club member.

  • 30 May 2023 12:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Wizard of Oz - San Francisco, June 1-25

    Fun Friday Bubble Show - Palo Alto, June 2

    City Center Unplugged - San Ramon, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

    Kids' Movie Friday - San Francisco, June 2

    Jurassic Quest – Pleasanton, June 2-4

    San Mateo County Fair - San Mateo, June 3-11

    Proud of My Family – San Jose, June 3

    Children’s Book Festival at Fairyland – Oakland, June 3

    Habitot Mobile Museum – Livermore, June 3

    Family Fun Day at Asian Art Museum – San Francisco, June 4

    Cultural Festival – Hercules, June 4

    Cal Sailing Open House – Berkeley, June 4

    Butterfly and Bird Festival – Fremont, June 4

    Storytime with Anna – Palo Alto, June 4

    Free First Sunday at NUMU – Los Gatos, June 4

    Family Day at Marin MOCA – Novato, June 4

    Fur, Scales, and Tails Animal Show – Berkeley, June 5

    Filoli’s Pride Celebration – Woodside, June 3-4

    Kid Makers: Juneteenth – Redwood City, June 3

    Redwood Mountain Faire - Felton, June 3-4

    Mendocino Film Festival Free Family Film: Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown - Fort Bragg, June 3-4

    San Leandro Cherry Festival - San Leandro, June 3

    Los Gatos Music & Arts - Los Gatos, June

    Veterinary Hospital Tours - Oakland Zoo, June 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28

    River Fest - San Francisco, June 4

    Redwood Mountain Faire – Felton, June 4

    23rd Annual Butterfly & Bird Festival – Fremont, June 4

    Regal Summer Movie Express - San Francisco, June 6-7, 13-14, 20-21,27-28

    Family Art Making at de Young – San Francisco, June 10

    Sand Castle and Sculpture Contest – Alameda, June 10

    Non Stop Bhangra – Berkeley, June 10

    Roundtable Reading at BAMPFA – Berkeley, June 10

    Family Fun Day – Oakland, June 10

    Kid Makers: Pop Up Chemistry – Redwood City, June 10

    Second Saturday at Gamble Garden – Palo Alto, June 10

    Kristi Yamaguchi’s Family Literacy Festival – San Jose, June 10

    Niles Canyon Train Ride – Sunol, June 10, 11, 17, 18

    Summer Learning Challenge Kick-off Celebration - Burlingame, June 10

    West Coast Craft Show -  San Francisco, June 10-11

    Golden Gate Bandshell Concerts - San Francisco, June 10

    Kids Art Class at Magical Bridge Playground - Redwood City, June 10

    Children's Day with Ukrainian Cuisine and Handcrafted Art at Magical Bridge – Palo Alto, June 11

    Viva CalleSJ Open Streets – San Jose, June 11

    Jam Concert – San Francisco, June 11

    Habitot Mobile Museum – Orinda, June 11

    Kids Rock! – Redwood City, June 11

    Marine Science Sunday – Sausalito, June 11, 25

    JAM with Charity – Sausalito, June 12

    Alphabet Rockers Performance – San Francisco, June 12

    JAM with Charity – Mountain View, June 13

    Happy Birds Performance at Hiller Aviation Museum – San Carlos, June 14
    Kidchella – Danville, June 14

    Snow White by Palo Alto Children’s Theater – Palo Alto, June 14-25

    Solano County Fair – Vallejo, June 15-18

    Ka-Hon Kids Show – San Francisco

    Summer Sleepovers at Children’s Fairyland – Oakland, June 16

    Alameda County Fair – Pleasanton, June 16 – July 9

    Biggest Little Airshow – San Carlos, June 17

    Bubbly Birthday Bash – Santa Rosa, June 17

    Freedom Festival – Mill Valley, June 17

    Kidstock with Lori & RJ – Mountain View, June 17

    Juneteenth Festival – Los Altos, June 17

    Movies at the Green: Wakanda Forever – Rohnert Park

    Juneteenth Celebration – Santa Cruz, June 17

    North Beach Festival – San Francisco, June 17-18

    Father’s Day Brew Train – Felton, June 18

    Open Cockpit Day – Oakland, June 18

    Oakland A’s Kids Cheer Free – Oakland, June 18

    Festa Junina – Berkeley, June 18

    Immigrant Heritage Month Celebration – San Jose, June 18

    Storytime Science for Kids at the Exploratorium – San Francisco, June 18, 24, 25

    Live Music - Santa Cruz, June 15

    Summer Concert - Los Altos, June 15, 22, 29

    Summer Concert Cupertino Symphonic Band - Cupertino, June 15

    Music in the Park - San Carlos, June 16

    Brick Fest Live - San Jose, June 16

    Father's Day Special Event - Fremont, June 17

    Movies at the Green: Wakanda Forever – Sonoma

    North Beach Festival – San Francisco, June 17

    "The Secret Garden" Family-Friendly Circus-Theater Show - San Francisco, June 17-18, 24-25

    Pride in the Park - San Carlos, June 17

    Stern Grove Festival - San Francisco, June 18, 25

    Father’s Day - Santa Rosa, June 18

    Juneteenth Community Celebration – San Jose, June 19

    Family Fun Nights – Burlingame, June 20, 27

    Sonoma-Marin Fair, - Petaluma, June  20-25

    Stafford Park - Redwood City, June 21

    Circus Bella’s Bananas – San Francisco, June 23-24

    Family Art Making at de Young – San Francisco, June 24

    San Francisco Amateur Astronomers’ Star Parties – San Francisco, June 24

    Teen Night at the Museum – Santa Rosa, June 24

    Lakefest Oakland – Oakland, June 24

    Fiesta Cultural Street Fair – Walnut Creek, June 24

    Cultures of the World – Cupertino, June 24

    Native Plant and Pollinator Day – San Jose, June 24

    Kids Carnival at Hiller Aviation Museum – San Carlos, June 25

    Unique Derique – San Francisco, June 30

    Fire Truck and Fire Safety Talk – San Francisco, June 30

    Asteroid Day at Chabot Space and Science Center – Oakland, June 30

    Marin County Fair – San Rafael, June 30 – July 4

    Central Park Music Series – San Mateo, June 22, 29

    Opera In The Park – Orinda, June 22

    Summer Concert Cocktail Monkeys  - Cupertino, June 22

    Classical on the Square - Redwood City

    Brick Fest Live - San Mateo, June 24-25

    Family Hike - Palo Alto, June 25

    Summer Scamper - Stanford University, June 25

    Summer on the Square: Big Band Jazz - Palo Alto, June 25

    Summer Concert Snarky Cats – Cupertino, June 29

  • 30 May 2023 8:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Reading books with your children has been shown to have many benefits. It can support cognitive development, improve language skills, and it is a great opportunity to bond with your child. Here are some current book favorites from members of the SMPC board. 

    Three Little Engines by Bob McKinnon

    “When ‘I think I can’ isn’t enough and understanding the challenges others face” - Adara Citron, President

    We are Little Feminist Celebrations by Brook Sitgraves Turner

    “It shows kids and families celebrating all sorts of different celebrations. It’s part of a board book series that focuses on highlighting and celebrating diversity” - Laura DeKelaita, Preschool Fair Coordinator

    Chika Chika Boom Boomby Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault

    “Crowd favorite is definitely singing the alphabet song at the end” - Jamie Giloni, Events

    Goodnight Goodnight Construction Siteby Sherry Duskey Rinker

    “A fun book about trucks getting ready for bed after a long hard day of work” - Celia Hamdamov, Events

    Eyes that Kiss in the Corners by Joanna Ho

    “I didn’t grow up with books that showed people who look like me, and it was incredibly meaningful to have my toddler point at the main character and say, ‘that’s me!’” - Linda Hui, Blog Editor

    Eating the Alphabetby Lois Ehlert

    “Has beautiful illustrations of fruits and veg for every letter. Broadens their awareness of all the options available - radicchio, artichoke, as well as the usual bananas and oranges” - Erin Livingston, Playgroups Coordinator

    Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss

    “Shows to try food they might like” - Karolina Trofimov, Social Media

  • 28 Apr 2023 9:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 25 Apr 2023 9:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Happy National Library Week! The theme for this year is “There’s More to the Story.” Our libraries don’t just have books, music, and movies for us to check out. Our libraries bring the community together through story times, classes, and lectures. In addition to free online access to newspapers and streaming films, the San Mateo Public Libraries offer the following free resources (some not available at all branches):

    • Museum passes through Discover and Go

    • 6 months of access to premium features of the Calm app

    • Bicycle check-out (Book-a-Bike, must be 18 years or older)

    • Printing time with 3D printers

    • Use of laser cutters (must be 13 years or older)

    • Use of virtual reality (VR) headsets (must be 13 years or older)

    • Sewing machines (must be 18 years or older)

    • Memory Labs, where you can digitize photos, VHS tapes, audio cassettes, etc

    Some branches have Maker Spaces with different types of equipment available for you to use.

    All of this is available for free, as long as you have a library card!

  • 3 Apr 2023 10:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 27 Feb 2023 9:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

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