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2024 Board Positions

Open positions for 2024 are in bold. Board positions run from January 2024 to January 2025.

Position Duties Time Commitment


Responsible for the successful running of the club. Lead all Board Meetings. Act as ambassador to both the members of the club and members of the community. Responsible for ensuring all club activities and actions adhere to the bylaws of the club. Helps create and lead activities contributing to the long-term vision and mission of the club. 10-15 hours/month, depending on number of open board positions that require support and relative engagement goals

Vice President

Prepare/distribute meeting agendas.

Organize member participation on any committee that needs to be formed.

Support President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Fill in for other Board roles as needed.

5-10 hours/month


Responsible for the fiscal integrity of the Club. Process bills/expense reimbursements and deposit revenue.

Produce financials and budget information quarterly for Board meetings (or more often, as requested). Provide a quarterly financial update for the newsletter.

File federal and state taxes each year. Maintain a contract with the insurance company and keep governmental document filings current.

~10/month depending on how many events take place needing reimbursement

Document all activities of the club including Board meetings. Take meeting minutes and attendance at each monthly board meeting. Add board meeting minutes to the Club's Google Drive/Archives, distribute to Board Members each month and post to platform or other appropriate forum. 1-2 hours/month

Disperse Club information to prospective members via email, phone calls, and at general meetings. Review and approve member applications on the Club platform. Welcome new members to the club by sending out the welcome packet email.

Hold a new member social quarterly to provide information on what the club has to offer (collaborative effort).

5 hours/month (8 on months with a New Member Social)
Blog Manager & Blog Assistant

Blog Team (up to 2 people) - Determines editorial content, calendar, and themes for the year, including writing articles and/or soliciting content from local writers and contributors. Goal is to post two blogs per month. 3-4 hours/month (some articles are already pending for the new year)

Playgroups & Pairings

Create and fill playgroups as requests are made. Recruit Playgroup Leaders and support Leaders in managing group membership. Organize and attend first playdates as needed. Attend new member socials and general meetings to assist members in finding a playgroup. Promote playgroups via Facebook.

Coordinate/manage the Club's subgroups and subgroup leaders.

Parent pairings is a semi-annual mentorship program for club members. Duties include publicizing enrollment for mentors and mentees, establishing matches, and sending out monthly prompts. Initial matching efforts can take 2ish hours.

Events, Outings & Socials


Responsible for planning club-wide family events throughout the year including four seasonal events, the Mom’s Getaway, Dad's Outing, Adult Socials, Children’s Outings, and Community Playdates.

Advertise to the membership via email/Wild Apricot; coordinate with the Web Presence Team to promote via social media.

This planning includes generating an overall budget for the events team, and distributing the funds across the annual events. Also responsible for any expenses and purchasing related to the events, and tracking and submitting reimbursement needs to the treasurer in a timely manner.

1-5 (varies greatly on months of the events as there may be shopping/promoting/setup/tear down etc. and number of members of the team to take on tasks)
Fundraising Generate ideas for fundraising to add to our general funds and coordinate to align with major events when possible. Regular fundraising efforts include Photography Fundraisers (1 Spring/1 Fall), and Mother’s Day Bouquets. Setting up contracts, coordinating with vendors and Web Presence Coordinator as needed for promotions. Funds raised will go to the club's events to serve all members. Cyclical commitment, 1-5 hours a month, depending on time of year.


Respond to all advertising inquiries, providing essential details to advertise on the blog and social media platforms, Email Bulletin classifieds. Receive ad copy, track continuing and new ads, maintain an inventory of available ad space, and generate invoices. Maintain a calendar for advertisers on social media platforms. Work with VP and Treasurer to track ad payments. Receive listings for Ongoing Discount Program; update discount document as new updates come in and post on platform. 5 hours/month

Web Presence (IG/FB)

Promote upcoming events and the club's activities via Social Media; post pictures of past events, cross-promote FCPC events and upcoming free community activities/partnerships. 5-7 hours/month, depending on number of concurring events and goals of outreach.

Community Outreach

Community service role open

Find and compile local activities, events, and resources.*

Discover and find volunteers for outreach opportunities in the process to recruit new members (e.g. tabling at Chamber of Commerce events, Central Park concert series, etc).

Community service includes building partnerships and connections which also aids in outreach (Samaritan House, Circle of Inspiration, CORA). Can ask for volunteers among club membership to support on specific outreach event tasks.

1-4 hours a month

Speaker and Social Series

Generate ideas and book speakers/activities for the monthly general meetings. Inform members of the meeting topics via email and through the Club platform and coordinate with Web Presence. Coordinate with venue for space booking, seating arrangements, audio/visual, parking and refreshments/Manage Zoom Details for all involved. 3 hours a month, including the event itself
Webmaster/Platform Admin

Maintain content of the Club's website; update as needed with current information. Develop / modify pages as requested and agreed to by the Board. Troubleshoot with web hosting and Wild Apricot as needed.

Manage member permissions on Wild Apricot. Be point of contact for members and prospective members for technical issues or questions on Wild Apricot and forward membership and other issues to the appropriate board member.

Higher commitment Jan/Feb (10 hours/month), up to 3 hours/month for the rest of year.

Preschool Fair Committee Members


Responsible for coordinating with representatives from the Foster City Parents Club to collaborate and execute a Preschool Fair in mid-fall. Responsibilities are delegated across board members (ideally 3-5 members) and include sourcing a suitable venue (3-5 months prior), producing a floorplan and table count (~2 months prior), launching and reconciling registrations and payments (1-2 months prior), marketing the event to locals using a variety of media sources (ie. billboards, facebook, nextdoor, newspaper etc.), contacting vendors for rental of any required equipment, sourcing volunteers that may be needed to help run the day of coordination, and being a point of contact for the schools registered. Post-event includes a wrap up of budget, reconciling accounts with the treasurer and FCPC, and a wrap-up meeting to plan and have an insight of what worked and didn't for the next year. Team meets every 2-4 weeks from mid-August to plan and coordinate.

Nil Dec - July

Aug - Nov max 0.25 - 3 hours/month depending on role

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