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  • 26 Jun 2022 11:00 PM | Deleted user

    By Laura Porter

    Plastic Free Seems Impossible

    A few years ago, the San Francisco Chronicle published a story about a woman who was living an essentially Zero Waste life. She fit all of her garbage for a year into a mason jar – a far cry from our weekly trips to haul the garbage cans to the curb for pickup. While it seemed impossible for our family of 4 to ever get close to that, it was clear that there was a lot of room in between where we were and where we could be.

    In looking through our garbage that week, I realized that plastic was the biggest offender of our black bin, so I set out to minimize anything that went into our black bin. At the weekly trip to the grocery store, I did an experiment… what could I buy with NO plastic?

    Well, it was disappointing. I ended up with a baguette, a dozen eggs, and some fresh produce. Maybe a jar of jam or something in there, but there wasn’t much else we could buy! That was the day it dawned on me that we don’t have a choice about avoiding plastic, and then I wanted to see if it would even be possible.

    The short answer was… not really.

    Is plastic really that bad?

    If they are so ubiquitous, are they really THAT bad? It’s easy to forget that YES, plastics really are terrible for us.

    • 99% are made from fossil fuels
    • Only about 4% of plastics can actually be recycled. (All those cool new bioplastics are 100% unrecyclable)
    • Plastics leach toxins into our food, our bodies, and our environment.
    • Plastics never biodegrade, they only photodegrade into smaller particles that continue polluting for years and years.
    • Plastics have been discovered within plant cells, in animals that make up our diet, in human blood, human lungs, and human stool. 90% of table salt samples include microplastics that are too small to see with the naked eye.
    • Our local landfill will be full within a decade. Waste hauling costs are going to rise dramatically when that happens.

    Zero Waste is an Ideal

    After visiting what felt like every grocery store in the San Mateo area, I finally got the hang of which stores had bulk products, and which ones carried what I wanted. The problem was that even with that knowledge, I had to go to three different stores to pick up the package-free items that our family wanted. THREE GROCERY STORES? Ain’t nobody got time for that.

    As with everything, it’s about balance. Yes, we need to reduce plastics to make sure we aren’t leaving a huge mess for our children, but we also need to make it to the weekend with our sanity. So we find a balance, and give ourselves grace for the slip-ups when they happen.

    We’ll never get to the Zero in Zero Waste, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. Strive for Zero, and be ok with the knowledge that you’ve taken meaningful action even if it’s not perfect.

    Tips to Reduce Plastic Use

    So how does one go about finding more sustainable products?

    Here are some considerations that I go through as I try to shop for products for our family, which have helped us minimize our garbage.

    1. REUSE. This is the best way to save costs, reduce plastic, and spend less time shopping. You’ve got dozens of containers in your cupboard and refrigerator right now. Probably plenty of shopping bags, too. If they’re in good shape, find ways to reuse what you have.
      • Reusable options also exist to replace tissues, paper towels, menstrual care products, paper bags, razors, and more. Invest upfront, and you’ll save lots of time and money over the years!

    2. Buy the item without plastic. This one is easier said than done, but for many products, it simply comes down to looking for the alternative without plastic. You’ll find them – just take a little longer look. Good packaging alternatives include:
      • Glass: Inert, meaning it won’t leach toxins into the products. Also very reusable for bulk bins, decorations, food storage, etc. It’s also able to recycled infinitely without losing its great properties.
      • Aluminum: Great for shower items like shampoo or shower gel, as you don’t want to risk shattered glass under bare, wet feet! (Not suitable for acidic or other foods). Also infinitely recyclable
      • Stainless Steel: Also inert, infinitely recyclable, and likely that you’re buying steel that has already been recycled. It can be expensive, but it’ll last for years to come… and many refills.
      • Paper: Not suitable for all products, but recyclable or compostable. Look for sustainably sourced paper or post-consumer recycled whenever possible.
      • Package Free: Because sometimes you don’t even need a package at all, or you can put it in a bag or container you already own.

    3. Shop small. Smaller businesses can often get away from the mass produced plastics where larger retailers cannot or will not.
      • Shop at refill stores. These stores are becoming more and more popular in the US, and even some small businesses will offer refill sections in their stores!
      • Farmers Markets offer seasonal produce – just be prepared with your own bags.

    4. Other actions.
      • Lobby local government for more ways to access recycling compost waste containers. (I still don’t understand why downtown San Mateo has garbage but no recycling or compost bins. Same for our parks!)
      • Ask businesses to use your containers. One secret to dining – take your own carryout container. Many restaurants will be happy to use your clean container, you just have to ask. If you can’t use your container, let them know that you’d prefer a compostable or reusable option.
      • Model this behavior for your kids. This may be the biggest one. Our kids are sponges – sopping up everything they see and hear. If we demonstrate that we have options, they’ll get it and feel empowered, too!

    Laura Porter is a mom of two and the founder and owner of Byrd's Filling Station, a zero waste grocery store which opened in downtown San Mateo in early June. The store holds a wide variety of products and encourages reuse of containers (bags, jars, bottles, etc) that you already own to replenish your household and personal care needs.

  • 21 Jun 2022 10:08 PM | Deleted user

    Happy Summer Solstice! Today summer is definitely rearing its hot head... hopefully we’re all staying cool indoors or finding a great place to chill outdoors. Here are a few of my family’s favorite shady spots and water-play places:

    Parks with Some Shade

    • Indian Springs Park
    • Laurelwood Park
    • Coyote Point Recreation Area
    • Washington Park 
    • Twin Pines
    • Burton Park
    • Laurie Meadows
    • Sunnybrae Park

    Water Features

    • Parkside Aquatic 
    • Laureola Park
    • Ryder Park
    • Burton Park

    Cooling Centers

    Got a spot that was left off this list? Please email to have it added! 

    Also please check your email for details about our Mr Softee FCPC & SMPC Kickoff Event this weekend! We can stay cool with a big cone. Hope to see you there!

    Rachel Kammeyer
    SMPC President

  • 10 Jun 2022 12:01 AM | Deleted user

    Father’s Day honors fathers as well as the broader concept of fatherhood at large. Father’s Day, in the United States, is the third Sunday of June, which is June 19 this year. Last month, the San Mateo Parents Club provided a list of ideas for honoring Mom – all are equally applicable to Dad! Here are some additional ideas to add to the list.

    • Learn about Dad’s family tree. Tracing through the family tree helps children learn more about the family’s past and cultural heritage. Dig out the family photo albums and flip through page by page. Interview Dad (and Grandpa!) about their growing up. Make a family tree chart, tracing a few generations up.

    • Camp indoors. Set up a camping tent in the living room. Better yet, build a fort out of furniture and bedsheets. Make the night fancy by taping glow-in-the-dark stars to the ceiling. Read some bedtime stories about the great outdoors. Snuggle up in your sleeping bags or bring blankets from the bedroom.

    • Grill a burger for Dad. Dads are stereotypically at the grill. Reverse the trend on Father’s Day and grill something for him. If you need some help, check out this recipe. Or take him out to a burger joint in town: Jack’s Prime Burgers & Shakes, Jeffrey’s Hamburgers, Sal’s Burgers, Habit Burger Grill, and so many more!

    • Plan a family workout and stick with it. Search youtube for family workout videos. Or make a plan to jog or hike once a week. Once you’ve set a schedule, stick to it. Set up a competition using your fitness trackers. You’ll see the healthy difference in Dad and yourself!

    • Help Dad with a project on his To-Do list. There’s always something to do around the house. Surely Dad will appreciate some help. Washing the car, repairing something, or building something in the yard.

    • Play old video games. Does Dad miss Super Mario Brothers? Or is it Tetris, Street Fighter, or Pac-Man? Hopefully you can just dig these out from the attic, but if not, here are some tips on how to find and purchase retro video games.

    • Take a mini-vacation. June is a beautiful sunny season, and we’ve got so much in and surrounding the Bay Area! Enjoy fresh oysters at Tomales Bay, wine at Napa, wild animals at Santa Rosa, kayaking at Santa Cruz, whale spotting at Point Lobos, clam chowder at Pismo Beach. Go for a mini-vacation and store some memorable memories in your heart.
  • 3 Jun 2022 11:51 PM | Deleted user

    Welcome our new members for June:

    • Amelia T. has a three-month-old son, Lincoln. They live in Belmont.
    • Ashley C. has a three-month-old son, Casper. They live in San Mateo.
    • Ashley J. has a three-year-old son Aiden, and a four-month-old daughter, Zoe. They live in San Mateo.
    • Jack and Julianne G. has a two-month-old son, Bennett. They live in San Mateo.
    • Jessica M. has an eighteen-month-old son, Oliver. They live in San Mateo.
    • Matt J. has a daughter, Zoe, whose four-years-old, and Aiden whose three-years-old. They live in San Mateo.
    • Nicole B. has a six-month-old daughter Savannah, and two sons, Maverick who's six years old and Sterling who's nine years old. They live in San Mateo.
    • Roisin A. has a sixteen-month-old daughter. They live in Woodside.
    • Stephanie B. is a first-time mom to daughter Charlotte "Charlie" who was born in November of 2021. They live in San Mateo.
    • Stephany M. has a twenty-one-month-old son, Myles, and is expecting a baby in November. Congratulations! They live in San Mateo.

  • 1 Jun 2022 12:00 AM | Deleted user

    Happy birthday to our June kiddos!

    Birth Day




    Charlotte B.



    Sidney D.



    Aaron H.



    Theo W.



    Clara C.



    Elena V.



    David V.



    Norah Z.



    Corey G.



    Penny T.



    Nico D.



    Nathan B.



    Nolan S.



    Khloe C.



    Piper G.



    Callan G.



    Jonathan S.



    Jon S.



    Owen G.


  • 18 May 2022 9:59 PM | Deleted user

    Wow! It has been a crazy few weeks here at our house. It feels like I blinked and Spring Break just happened, but now we’re staring down Memorial Day, my son’s graduation from preschool, and the unofficial kick-off of summer!

    It is absolutely surreal to have a five year old, and to have had a conversation about the sunset of his SMPC playgroup, the Kiddie Cats. I remember attending a play date with a group of moms with multiple children, hearing them talk about their older kids’ playgroup and thinking that there was an infinite distance between that moment, holding my three month old in my lap, and the prospect of a group no longer being necessary because friendships had solidified, people had moved on, babies were kids.

    Yet here I am, sappily replaying that moment with another baby on my lap, but with the wisdom of knowing that this time is indeed finite, and the biting, wood chip consuming, 4:00 am nursing sessions, and general feeling of fatigue will soon be distant, overtaken by sleep training, more consistent routines, and a subdued oral fixation. And then babyhood will be for other caregivers to enjoy.

    I have decided to approach this spring with a renewed desire to enjoy these days that often feel so rushed, and I hope we can all take a few moments to step away from our chaos and perhaps step into nature or another space that brings calm, and soak up the moments that will be what we look back on in a few years as the ones that make it worth it. Whether it’s a milestone your baby is working toward and proudly accomplishes or a story time cuddle with a book you’ve read 6,000 times and counting, may that moment work its way into your forever memories and be a touchstone in the future.

    Rachel Kammeyer
    SMPC President

  • 16 May 2022 6:20 PM | Deleted user

     By Lorraine Felix

    “Sleep Training” is such a buzz word! A lot of people think of it negatively. Many people have visions of babies being left alone in their rooms for hours on end. I promise, that’s not what sleep training is. I LOVE babies! And sleep too, but mostly babies! So, what does it mean? What is sleep training?

    Different people and even pediatricians discuss the subject without realizing they have completely different definitions of the same words. Even sleep consultants can have slightly different definitions of what they mean when they say “sleep training”. Since you are reading this, I want to give you a clear answer to the question, “What is sleep training?”

    When sleep consultants use the term sleep training most of them mean “a number of different methods parents use to adjust their child’s sleep behaviors”. When I ask, is your child “sleep trained?” What I am asking is “have you adjusted your child’s sleep to where he or she is sleeping through the night and able to fall back asleep unassisted (without the use of sleep props)?” 

    Here are some definitions, because it’s important that we are talking about the same thing.

    • Sleeping Through The Night is defined as at least 10 hours from bedtime to wake-up time. *Note* Depending on age and weight, this does NOT mean without a feed.
    • Falling asleep unassisted means putting baby down in the crib or bassinet awake and letting him/her soothe themself to sleep, without any sleep props.
    • Sleep Props refers to anything the baby is dependent on to fall asleep (pacifier, feeding, rocking, patting, etc.). 

    Now that we know what sleep training is, let’s talk about the use of sleep props. Are they always a “bad” habit? No, of course not! Some babies are able to use a pacifier all night long and never wake when the pacifier falls out. Others can fall asleep at the bottle, and it doesn’t stop them from connecting sleep cycles. 

    When do we view sleep props as a problem? When the baby needs them to connect natural sleep cycles, for example:

    • When someone needs to wake up to re-insert a pacifier to get the baby back to sleep.
    • When the baby needs to be fed to get back to sleep.
    • When the baby needs to be lulled (rocked, patted, swayed, held, or even just checked on) to get back to sleep.

    These props are only an issue if your baby expects to use them to fall back asleep. If your baby is sleep trained they should be able to sleep through the night, get themselves back to sleep if they wake unassisted and should be on an age-appropriate nap schedule and feeding schedule.

    Does Everyone Need to Sleep Train Their Baby? 

    No one should feel obligated to sleep train their little one if things are relatively smooth, and your baby is rested and happy. If you have a baby that is a good sleeper, then great job and go with it! That being said, if you are struggling, exhausted or unhappy with your baby or toddler’s sleep, you should consider sleep training. Everyone needs quality sleep. It’s not an easy way out for parents. It’s not selfish or done for ease so parents can make their kids fit into their perfect schedule. Sleep is necessary for muscle growth and brain development, as well as a healthy immune system for kids of all ages. Parents need sleep so we can stay healthy (immune system) and function in our daily lives (juggle work, life, balance our obligations, etc.)

    A family short on sleep may struggle more than a well rested one. Parents that are tired have less energy and patience. Babies and children feel the same way! It’s hard to control emotions (especially when you are a toddler!) and process frustration when tired and overwhelmed. A rested family can better handle the ups and downs of a daily life.

    DON’T let the words “sleep train” scare you! Remember the definition? “A number of different methods parents use to adjust their child’s sleep behaviors”. This means there is not one set method to help you and your little one get the sleep you need and deserve. Some methods that I use include sitting near your child, back rubbing/patting, quick checks, silently return to offer support (older children) and there are many, many more!

    That being said there are some times that you will want to wait to start sleep training.

    1. If your little one is sick:
      When your little one is sick, they need the extra comfort. They also sometimes need a little assistance in falling asleep depending on the situation. Wait until your little one is starting to get back to feeling like themselves and playing normally. Then it’s ok to start.
    2. If you are about to move:
      Give yourself about a month to sleep train before moving. There is usually a lot going on before you move; packing boxes, making appointments, and a busy schedule. So you will want to start sleep training before all that begins. Your little one will sense the change, and it will make it harder for them to settle on their own if they haven’t done that before.
    3. If you are going to be traveling:
      If you know you are going to be going away, give yourself 2 weeks before traveling to begin sleep training. Most methods will take 2 weeks before you see complete results. This gives you enough time to have your little one sleeping independently before you go on holidays rather than have the process interrupted and have to start again when you get back home. Again, a new place and new surroundings will throw their sleep off a little bit.
    4. If you just had a new baby:
      A new sibling is a huge adjustment for your toddler. They are going to have to get used to sharing Mom’s attention, sharing space (perhaps a room), etc. It will be exhausting for you; but it will be so much harder on your toddler if now they have to do something new. It may even cause them to act out and resent their new sibling. If you have the time, I encourage you to teach your little one to sleep independently before the new baby arrives. It will be easier on you and your little one.

    Sleep training can be a lot of work. It is changing the way we had inadvertently trained a child to sleep (using certain props and sleep associations) and re-training them to use new (independent) sleep associations. That takes patience, effort and consistency. When done consistently and correctly, it is a short term effort. Yes, you need to keep up with it; boundaries need to be maintained and routines need to be followed for the most part. But don’t let anyone tell you sleep training means you can never leave your house or have a late night dinner with friends; that’s not true! There will be bumps such as teething, regressions, illness and travel, but all of your hard work and routines will be beneficial. Children thrive on consistency and they will bounce back faster when they know what is expected and are back into their normal routine. You will be grateful for the rest and ease of sleep after these bumps. Sleep training may not be for everyone, but if you are struggling to get sleep, are constantly tired or feel that your child is constantly tired, it is definitely something to consider! If you have tried to sleep train your little one, are frustrated from failed attempts or feel like you need some extra help, ask for support! It will be worth it!

    Lorraine Felix is a certified sleep consultant and the owner of Serene Sleep Solutions. SMPC is hosting a free zoom talk by Lorraine on “How to Sleep Train Your Little One.” The virtual event is May 24 at 7:30 pm. Please register here.

  • 9 May 2022 10:54 PM | Deleted user

    Welcome to our new members this month!

    • Alexis P. has a one-month-old daughter, Madeleine. They live in San Mateo.
    • Annie C. has a five-year-old son, Max, and a two-year-old daughter, Arya. They live in San Mateo.
    • Clarissa R. has a two-year-old son, Argo, and is expecting a daughter, congratulations! They live in San Mateo.
    • Daniel F. has an eighteen-month-old son, Ansel. They live in Belmont.
    • Elisabete N. has a three-year-old son. They live in Burlingame.
    • Kristen V. has a three-year-old son Isaac and her second son August came in March of this year! They live in San Mateo.
    • Lauren B. has an eleven-month-old daughter, Charlotte. They live in San Mateo.
    • Margaret H. has a twenty two-month-old daughter, Mina. They live in San Mateo.
    • Patricia K. has a two-year-old daughter, Evelyn. They live in Burlingame.
    • Rose C. has a one-month-old daughter, Gwendolyn. They live in San Mateo.
    • Yiyang H. has an eleven-month-old son, Aaron. They live in San Mateo.

  • 5 May 2022 12:20 AM | Deleted user

    Happy birthday to all our May kiddos!





    Lola T.



    Sadie M.



    Oliver Q.



    Hope M.



    Arabelle C.



    Gabriel  S.



    Violet P.



    Stas P.



    Alexander A.



    Charlie K.



    Mila L.



    Simon L.



    Sebastian Y.



    Piper M.



    Charlotte C.



    Alana W.



    Lea L.



    Arjun M.



    Ellis M.



    Chloë S.



    Logan I.



    Jillian D.



    Cullen W.


  • 1 May 2022 11:00 PM | Deleted user

    Mother’s Day honors mothers as well as the broader concept of motherhood at large. Mother’s Day, in the United States, is the second Sunday of May, which is May 8 this year. Here are some fun ideas for celebrating Mother’s Day. Got more? Send us a message about it!

    • Bring her special flowers. The SMPC is having an exclusive fundraiser just to make flowers extra special this year. Fill your house with some local beauty with our Mother's Day Flower Fundraiser! We are partnering again with local Blue House Farm in Pescadero, purchasing bunches of wholesale flowers and creating our own bouquets. Details here

    • Make a card. There are endless card ideas on the Internet. As a suggestion for one direction to brainstorm in, use handprints or footprints. Usually easy, and very personal. Here are some ideas: Handprint Bee, Footprint Butterfly, or Fingerprint Flowers.

    • Offer breakfast in bed. Again, endless recipes on the Internet. Here are some ideas that kids can do: Matcha Breakfast Bowl, Citrus Salad, or Roasted Apples. Things as simple as cereal and milk, or toast with peanut butter, become extra special if prepared by little hands.

    • Take her outdoors. Go to Central Park, San Mateo, and smell the flowers at the rose garden, or have a relaxing stroll at the Japanese garden. Admire the well-groomed flowers at Filoli, Woodside (advance reservations needed). Or find a hiking trail at AllTrails, and get some fresh air and exercise. You might enjoy a picnic at one of these locations while you’re at it.

    • Take her out for a meal. Too many good options around town, but here are some Mother’s Day specials we found. For a fancy meal, try the four-course meal at Stella Alpina Osteria, Burlingame. For historic charm, there are brunch and dinner options at MacArthur Park, Palo Alto. Do a game and a meal with a competitive mom at Pinstripes, San Mateo. Watch an entertaining chef make an onion volcano at Benihana, Burlingame (offering Mother’s Day gift card specials).

    • Give her a day off. Dads can offer to take care of the kids for a day, and do the chores. Everyone needs some me-time, including Moms. Or, hire a sitter, and go out together for a romantic evening. Another idea is to offer Mom a chores coupon book that she can use throughout the year so that she can feel loved on Mother’s Day and all the time!

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