Setting Boundaries with Loving Kindness
Did you always want to know how to set boundaries with loving kindness? Then you should join our workshop on September 21st at 8:30 pm on Zoom! We have invited Kirsten Kell to help us achieve this goal! You do not need to be a club member to join (details provided after registration through Wild Apricot).
You hear a lot about how important healthy boundaries are for a good relationship. Leave this webinar with a simple structure you can use to lovingly set boundaries with your partner and your children. We will also talk about how as an adult you can respond positively to hearing a boundary.
About Kirsten:
Kirsten Kell, The Couples Coach guides couples to greater connection in their relationships through simple communication structures. As a Marriage and Family therapist she has supported couples through life transitions for 20 years. Learn more about her online course Communicate to Connect and her private coaching at
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