Please join us on Sunday, October 3rd from 9am - 12:30pm at Lemos Farm for our Annual Harvest Party.
Let's celebrate fall and enjoy unlimited access to the farm and everything it has to offer:
We will be getting a 20% discount at the Deli. Just mention that you are with the San Mateo Parents Club.
The cost is $25 per family (SMPC member + spouse and all of their children), which includes unlimited rides and activities for everyone! If you are bringing additional guests (eg. grandparents, nannies, friends), you may purchase additional guest tickets for $10 for adults and $25 for children (14 months and older and weight 70 pounds or less). For additional children over 70 pounds please purchase an additional adult ticket. Children under 14 months can come for free and enjoy the same activities as adult ticket holders.
Registration is limited to 40 families, possibly extended after budget reevaluation.
Because our children are not yet vaccinated, we kindly ask our club members and their guests that masks remain on at all times, unless eating or drinking. We have a reserved picnic area for eating and drinking, which we suggest you use. Lemos Farm will be following the San Mateo County Mask Guidelines which currently (as of 08/11/2021) do not have a requirement for masks outdoors, subject to change. Please be prepared to see unmasked guests there, who are not part of our club.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, 09/29.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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