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Pelvic Floor and Core Workshop with Tanya Goodrich

  • 23 Mar 2021
  • 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Virtual


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Pelvic Floor and Core Workshop

Everything you wished you had learned after having a baby!

It’s never too late. In this hands-on and exercise-based workshop we will go over:

  • Diastasis Recti aka Mommy pooch-- How to reconnect to your core muscles after babies! 
  • Leaking-- leaking urine with sneezing, laughing or coughing or exercising. This is very common yet treatable with pelvic physical therapy!
  • Pain with intercourse-- not something often discussed but another very common postpartum symptom that can be treated!
  • Back pain, hip pain, sacrum/tailbone or SI pain-- learn how to manage all these symptoms with correct exercises. 
  • Constipation/bowel issues-- not the most glamorous topic but certainly an important one. Learn some basics on optimal bowel health.
This will be a fun, learning and memorable workshop designed for mommas of all stages: from early postpartum to many years out! You will leave with a list of fantastic core and pelvic exercises and lots of pelvic health education.

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