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Get to Know Your Board: Karolina Trofimov

8 Mar 2024 11:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of members who have volunteered their time to serve on the SMPC Board.  This month, we will be highlighting a few of our Board Members by sharing their SMPC role and experiences.

Meet Karolina Trofimov!

Tell us a bit about yourself and your family. 

My name is Karolina. My husband and I have a daughter, Kaiya, who just turned 5, and two Furbabies. 

How did you get started at the San Mateo Parents Club?

When our daughter enrolled in preschool, I had heard about the San Mateo Parents Club. One of the moms was the president of the SMPC with three kids, and I was super duper impressed. I wanted to contribute. At that point, I had just changed my career path, and I've been on the board ever since. I've been on the board for a year and a half now. I'm the social media and advertising coordinator. 

What is your favorite SMPC event?

I like the new member mixers; that's one of the reasons why I wanted to join the club and contribute to its mission of bringing parents of young kiddos together. Life becomes very different when you become a parent, and finding your tribe is essential. The playdates are a great resource to discuss milestones and such. I run into some of the board members and parents I've met at preschool and now at kindergarten. We are a community! The club includes both parents, moms and dads are both welcome :) It's not like a breastfeeding support group or a mom's group. We planned some dad's nights out last year, which were successful since moms wanted their partners to socialize with other local dads. 

What is your favorite place to go with your kid?

My top three places to go with kiddos under 5 are CuriOdyssey, a small exploratorium meets zoo; the downtown library, which has a kids' play area and also hosts kids' crafts and events; and Gilroy Gardens, a long drive but a mini amusement park.

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